Sunday 29 November 2015

It all started here

So, now I come to my story about how I got going in World of Tanks. Good thing I wrote it out once already....

....hard to believe that was three years ago now. A few times, over the years, I bring up my early mistakes whenever I could.... read the discussion, go here

Through it all, I still have and use my premium reward. Despite playing badly to get it, I still earned it. Plus, I have even got slightly better with it! Over the years, I have added to my higher tiered premium tanks too, picking up a tier VIII Soviet Heavy Tank, KV-5 and the French tier VIII Heavy Tank FCM 50t.

I also have retained all my other top tier tanks over this long passage of time, including my tier X American Heavy Tank, T110E5, Soviet Heavy Tank, IS-7 and Soviet Heavy Tank, IS-4....

....sitting in queue for the new Domination game mode.

The funny thing, a lot of the lessons I learned from all of the mistakes for World of Tanks have been applied to the other two tank titles I am playing, War Thunder Ground Forces and Armored Warfare. Sure, I still make mistakes and/or errors in judgement, after all, I am only human. And, despite some of the programming differences, all of these games play relatively the same, sharing more than just thick (and thin) steel, tracked fighting vehicles.

It's going to be very interesting playing these tank games at once (not at the exact same time, mind you) and looking for a way to link all three together. In fact, I have found a way to put two side-by-side....

....well, close enough.

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